It is believed that Buddha was born in Lumbini in Nepal, and that he lived between 563 and 483 BC. Buddha was worn as a prince of the Kingdom Kapilavastu (today’s Nepal)...
Biography of Lord Buddha
Comment on Lord Buddha
The Buddha Siddhartha did. He flew from his household life into the state of homelessness. The Supreme did. He placed Lord Buddha in the adoring heart of humanity, in...
A drama about the life of the Buddha
Who is the owner: the life-saver or the life-taker? Dramatis personae PRINCE SIDDHARTHA DEVADATTA (COUSIN OF SIDDHARTHA) JUDGE Scene 1 (Prince Siddhartha is walking in...
Stories about Lord Buddha
The Buddha’s wins One day the Lord Buddha was meditating. An elderly man came in and started abusing the Buddha most ruthlessly. The Buddha remained absolutely...
Buddha's work
I. THE HUMAN CONDITION 1. OLD AGE, ILLNESS, AND DEATH (1) Aging and Death At Sāvatthī, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, is anyone who is...
Music dedicated to Lord Buddha
The Kamakura Concert 2006:
Borobudur concert
“Buddham Sharanam Gachhami” – Hiya Bhasha