Sri Ramakrishna was born on February 18, 1836 in the village of Kamarkupur in Bengal, India to a very poor, pious Brahmin family. According to the testimony of his...
Biography of Sri Ramakrishna
Comment on Sri Ramakrishna
Mother India, Your son Ramakrishna (Sri Ramakrishna) became the Illumination-Tower Of the synthesis of all world-religions. (Sri Chinmoy, Mother India: Infinity’s Beauty...
A dramma about the life of Sri Ramakrishna
There is no God Dramatis personae NAREN BHAVANANDA BHUPEN (YOUNGER BROTHER OF NAREN) Scene 1 (Naren is meditating in his room. Enter Bhavananda.) NAREN (stands up): Come...
Ramakrishna: Soul of the East
No Indian youth of the rising generation can ever dream of escaping the subtle influence of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa. This simple Brahmin conquered the hearts of men...
The Child of Kali
The child Ramakrishna was at once God-centric and God-intoxicated. It is often that a God-lover is misunderstood and considered to be a lunatic of the first water. Sri...
Stories about Sri Ramakrishna
Totapuri Totapuri was one of Sri Ramakrishna’s teachers. He always wore a loincloth. He did not wear proper clothes. Sri Ramakrishna used to call him always...
Sri Ramakrishna’s work
Book First THE WORLD This is indeed the world! Once, Hriday3 brought a bull-calf here. I saw, one day, that he had tied it with a rope in the garden4 , so that it might...
Chapter 1 MASTER AND DISCIPLE February 1882 M.’s first visit to the Master It was on a Sunday in spring, a few days after Sri Ramakrishna’s birthday, that M...
Sri Ramakrishna’s disciples
Tributes to Nag Mahashay “”He is verily a blazing fire!” Sri Ramakrishna “”I have travelled far in different parts of the globe, but...
Brahmananda loses his little bondage Sri Ramakrishna’s dearest disciple, next to Swami Vivekananda, was Brahmananda. He reached higher heights than Vivekananda did...
Tributes to Girish Chandra Ghosh “Girish has one hundred and twenty-five per cent faith. Sri Ramakrishna “In G.C. [Girish] alone I have seen that true...
Question: Does every soul, when it comes down to earth, want to work for the Supreme? Sri Chinmoy: Every soul comes down with a promise. When a disciple comes to me, he...
Stories about Sarada Devi
(On 19 November 1995, Sri Chinmoy recounted these five stories about Sarada Devi, the consort of Sri Ramakrishna. Sarada Devi was known as the Holy Mother to the...